I'm a horrible blogger. Actually, I'm not even a blogger, because I've only written one post in the past 2 months. Since then, I've hit a few walls: I haven't lost as fast as I had been, I went on not 1, but 2 week-long vacations, and I know longer feel smaller than I did when I started Weight Watchers. Needless to say, I'm a bit discouraged.
Does anyone know that feeling? You're losing 1-2 lbs. / week, racking hours of activity, feeling lighter on your toes. They're the glorious symptoms of triumph and renewal. Even if we don't admit it to other people, the physical changes are (slightly) visible--if you stand at just the right angle.
And then nothing. It's like popping a balloon with a chef's knife. All of a sudden, I felt like I don't look smaller (so what if my jean size has decreased--I don't look any different than from my WW beginning!) running 8 + miles is no big deal, and because I've lost so much fat in the chest area, I feel disproportionate. I feel a bit defeated by myself--where's my enthusiasm? Where's my vision?
I suppose I'm simply ashamed. I mean, I did vacation at the beach twice, and the vacations were only a month apart. I did drank more alcohol than I have in the last half year. And, I wasn't consistent in counting points. So, in this post, I'm accepting responsibility and moving on toward success. I learned a tough lesson; I cannot and will not reach my goals without WW. When I don't count points, I feel out of control, as demonstrated here. I feel boarder line crazy and depressed. When I don't count points, I don't feel like my (new) self.
Huh. A light bulb just turned on in my head. I've finally made portion control and healthy eating a habit. When I don't watch my points and check off my fruit/veggie/dairy/water intake, I don't feel normal. I suppose that's an achievement in itself. To further my re-dedication to a healthier lifestyle, I'm going to make 2 lists: my physical accomplishments thus far and my new goals.
*I've become a runner. I can now run 10 miles without stopping, and I'm training for a 1/2 marathon in October.
*I've lost 4 jean sizes.
*I SURFED. Yes. For over a decade, I've wanted to learn to surf.
Thanks to my many push-ups and consistent runs, I was finally able to take surfing lessons. And I stood up. Repeatedly. I. Surfed.
*Blog more consistently.
*Run my 1/2 marathon without stopping and come in under 2.5 hours.
*Lose an additional 30-40 pounds. I won't consider my weight loss successful until my belly fat is nearly gone; I just don't want the roll, people. That has to go.
*Lose fat, and therefore inches, in my arms so I can wear sleeveless tops.
*Confront, accept, and enjoy yoga. As of today, I hate it, but I know it will help with my balance, which is essential for surfing.
*Eventually, I want to be a WW meeting leader.
Does anyone know that feeling? You're losing 1-2 lbs. / week, racking hours of activity, feeling lighter on your toes. They're the glorious symptoms of triumph and renewal. Even if we don't admit it to other people, the physical changes are (slightly) visible--if you stand at just the right angle.
And then nothing. It's like popping a balloon with a chef's knife. All of a sudden, I felt like I don't look smaller (so what if my jean size has decreased--I don't look any different than from my WW beginning!) running 8 + miles is no big deal, and because I've lost so much fat in the chest area, I feel disproportionate. I feel a bit defeated by myself--where's my enthusiasm? Where's my vision?
I suppose I'm simply ashamed. I mean, I did vacation at the beach twice, and the vacations were only a month apart. I did drank more alcohol than I have in the last half year. And, I wasn't consistent in counting points. So, in this post, I'm accepting responsibility and moving on toward success. I learned a tough lesson; I cannot and will not reach my goals without WW. When I don't count points, I feel out of control, as demonstrated here. I feel boarder line crazy and depressed. When I don't count points, I don't feel like my (new) self.
Huh. A light bulb just turned on in my head. I've finally made portion control and healthy eating a habit. When I don't watch my points and check off my fruit/veggie/dairy/water intake, I don't feel normal. I suppose that's an achievement in itself. To further my re-dedication to a healthier lifestyle, I'm going to make 2 lists: my physical accomplishments thus far and my new goals.
*I've become a runner. I can now run 10 miles without stopping, and I'm training for a 1/2 marathon in October.
*I've lost 4 jean sizes.
*I SURFED. Yes. For over a decade, I've wanted to learn to surf.
*Blog more consistently.
*Run my 1/2 marathon without stopping and come in under 2.5 hours.
*Lose an additional 30-40 pounds. I won't consider my weight loss successful until my belly fat is nearly gone; I just don't want the roll, people. That has to go.
*Lose fat, and therefore inches, in my arms so I can wear sleeveless tops.
*Confront, accept, and enjoy yoga. As of today, I hate it, but I know it will help with my balance, which is essential for surfing.
*Eventually, I want to be a WW meeting leader.
Now, I'm going to go about my day, happy as a clam that I've recommitted myself to my journey.
Thanks for reading. Keep paddling.
Thanks for reading. Keep paddling.
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